丛   书   名: 国外电子与通信教材系列
作   译   者:李立华 出 版 日 期:2016-07-01
出   版   社:电子工业出版社 维   护   人:马岚 
书   代   号:G0289150 I S B N:9787121289156


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    开 本:16开
    页 数:608
    字 数:1265.0


    Chapter 1 Semiconductor Diodes
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Semiconductor Materials: Ge, Si, and GaAs
    1.3 Covalent Bonding and Intrinsic Materials
    1.4 Extrinsic Materials: n-Type and p-Type Materials 
    1.5 Semiconductor Diode
    1.6 Ideal Versus Practical
    1.7 Resistance Levels
    1.8 Diode Equivalent Circuits
    1.9 Transition and Diffusion Capacitance
    1.10 Reverse Recovery Time
    1.11 Diode Specification Sheets 
    1.12 Semiconductor Diode Notation
    1.13 Zener Diodes
    1.14 Light-Emitting Diodes
    1.15 Summary
    1.16 Computer Analysis
    Chapter 2  Diode  Applications
    2.1 Introduction 
    2.2 Load-Line Analysis
    2.3 Equivalent Model Analysis
    2.4 AND/OR Gates
    2.5 Sinusoidal Inputs; Half-Wave Rectification
    2.6 Full-Wave Rectification
    2.7 Clippers
    2.8 Clampers
    2.9 Zener Diodes
    2.10 Summary
    Chapter 3 Bipolar Junction Transistors
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Transistor Construction
    3.3 Transistor Operation 
    3.4 Common-Base Configuration
    3.5 Transistor Amplifying Action 
    3.6 Common-Emitter Configuration
    3.7 Common-Collector Configuration
    3.8 Limits of Operation
    3.9 Transistor Specification Sheet
    3.10 Transistor Casing and Terminal Identification 
    3.11 Summary
    Chapter 4 DC Biasing — BJTs
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Operating Point
    4.3 Fixed-Bias Circuit 
    4.4 Emitter Bias
    4.5 Voltage-Divider Bias
    4.6 DC Bias with Voltage Feedback 
    4.7 Miscellaneous Bias Configurations
    4.8 Transistor Switching Networks 
    4.9 pnp Transistors
    4.10 Bias Stabilization 
    4.11 Summary
    Chapter 5 BJT AC Analysis
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Amplification in the AC Domain 
    5.3 BJT Transistor Modeling
    5.4 The re Transistor Model
    5.5 The Hybrid Equivalent Model
    5.6 Hybrid Model
    5.7 Variations of Transistor Parameters
    5.8 Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Configuration 
    5.9 Voltage-Divider Bias
    5.10 CE Emitter-Bias Configuration
    5.11 Emitter-Follower Configuration
    5.12 Common-Base Configuration
    5.13 Collector Feedback Configuration
    5.14 Collector DC Feedback Configuration
    5.15 Determining the Current Gain
    5.16 Effect of RL and Rs
    5.17 Two-Port Systems Approach 
    5.18 Summary Table
    5.19 Cascaded Systems
    5.20 Darlington Connection
    5.21 Feedback Pair
    5.22 Current Mirror Circuits
    5.23 Current Source Circuits
    5.24 Approximate Hybrid Equivalent Circuit
    5.25 Summary
    Chapter 6 Field-Effect Transistors 
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Construction and Characteristics of JFETs
    6.3 Transfer Characteristics 
    6.4 Specification Sheets (JFETs)
    6.5 Important Relationships
    6.6 Depletion-Type MOSFET
    6.7 Enhancement-Type MOSFET
    6.8 CMOS
    6.9 Summary Table
    6.10 Summary
    Chapter 7 FET Biasing
    7.1 Introduction 
    7.2 Fixed-Bias Configuration 
    7.3 Self-Bias Configuration
    7.4 Voltage-Divider Biasing 
    7.5 Depletion-Type MOSFETs
    7.6 Enhancement-Type MOSFETs
    7.7 Summary Table
    7.8 Combination Networks
    7.9 p-Channel Fets
    7.10 Summary
    Chapter 8 FET Amplifiers
    8.1 Introduction 
    8.2 FET Small-Signal Model
    8.3 JFET Fixed-Bias Configuration
    8.4 JFET Self-Bias Configuration 
    8.5 JFET Voltage-Divider Configuration
    8.6 JFET Source-Follower(Common-Drain) Configuration
    8.7 JFET Common-Gate Configuration
    8.8 Depletion-Type MOSFETs
    8.9 Enhancement-Type MOSFETs
    8.10 E-MOSFET Drain-Feedback Configuration
    8.11 E-MOSFET Voltage-Divider Configuration
    8.12 Summary Table 
    8.13 Effect of RL and Rsig
    8.14 Cascade Configuration
    8.15 Summary
    Chapter 9 BJT and FET Frequency Response
    9.1 Introduction
    9.2 General Frequency Considerations
    9.3 Low-Frequency Analysis Bode Plot
    9.4 Low-Frequency Response BJT Amplifier
    9.5 Low-Frequency Response FET Amplifier
    9.6 Miller Effect Capacitance 
    9.7 High-Frequency Response BJT Amplifier
    9.8 High-Frequency Response FET Amplifier
    9.9 Multistage Frequency Effects
    9.10 Summary
    Chapter 10 Operational Amplifiers
    10.1 Introduction 
    10.2 Differential Amplifier Circuit
    10.3 Differential and Common-Mode Operation 
    10.4 BIFET, BIMOS, and CMOS Differential Amplifier Circuits
    10.5 Op-Amp Basics
    10.6 Op-Amp SpecificationsDC Offset Parameters
    10.7 Op-Amp SpecificationsFrequency Parameters 
    10.8 Op-Amp Unit Specifications 
    10.9 Summary
    Chapter 11 Op-Amp Applications
    11.1 Operation Circuits
    11.2 Active Filters
    11.3 Comparator Unit Operation
    11.4 Schmitt Trigger
    11.5 Summary
    Chapter 12 Power Amplifiers 
    12.1 IntroductionDefinitions and Amplifier Types
    12.2 Series-Fed Class A Amplifier
    12.3 Transformer-Coupled Class A Amplifier
    12.4 Class B Amplifier Operation
    12.5 Class B Amplifier Circuits
    12.6 Class C and Class D Amplifiers
    12.7 Summary
    Chapter 13 Feedback Circuits
    13.1 Feedback Concepts
    13.2 Feedback Connection Types
    13.3 Practical Feedback Circuits 
    13.4 Feedback AmplifierPhase and Frequency Considerations
    13.5 Summary

    前     言

    ● 半导体二极管
    ● 二极管应用电路
    ● 双极型晶体管BJT基础
    ● BJT放大电路的直流偏置电路分析
    ● BJT放大电路的交流分析
    ● 场效应晶体管FET基础
    ● FET放大电路的直流偏置电路分析
    ● FET放大电路的交流分析
    ● BJT和FET放大电路的频率响应分析
    ● 模拟集成运算放大器基础
    ● 运算放大器和比较器的应用电路
    ● 功率放大电路
    ● 反馈放大电路
    The preparation of the preface for the 11th edition resulted in a bit of reflection on the 40 years since the first edition was published in 1972 by two young educators eager to test their ability to improve on the available literature on electronic devices. Although one may prefer the term semiconductor devices rather than electronic devices, the first edition was almost exclusively a survey of vacuum-tube devices—a subject without a single section in the new Table of Contents. The change from tubes to predominantly semiconductor devices took almost five editions, but today it is simply referenced in some sections. It is interesting, however, that when field-effect transistor (FET) devices surfaced in earnest, a number of the analysis techniques used for tubes could be applied because of the similarities in the ac equivalent models of each device.
    We are often asked about the revision process and how the content of a new edition is defined. In some cases, it is quite obvious that the computer software has been updated, and the changes in application of the packages must be spelled out in detail. This text was the first to emphasize the use of computer software packages and provided a level of detail unavailable in other texts. With each new version of a software package, we have found that the supporting literature may still be in production, or the manuals lack the detail for new users of these packages. Sufficient detail in this text ensures that a student can apply each of the software packages covered without additional instructional material. (Note: To meet the requirement of general Chinese teaching syllabus on electronic circuits, the contents about some software have been deleted.)
    The next requirement with any new edition is the need to update the content reflecting changes in the available devices and in the characteristics of commercial devices. This can require extensive research in each area, followed by decisions regarding depth of coverage and whether the listed improvements in response are valid and deserve recognition. The classroom experience is probably one of the most important resources for defining areas that need expansion, deletion, or revision. The feedback from students results in marked-up copies of our texts with inserts creating a mushrooming copy of the material. Next, there is the input from our peers, faculty at other institutions using the text, and, of course, reviewers chosen by Pearson Education to review the text. One source of change that is less obvious is a simple rereading of the material following the passing of the years since the last edition. Rereading often reveals material that can be improved, deleted, or expanded.
    For this revision, the number of changes far outweighs our original expectations. However, for someone who has used previous editions of the text, the changes will probably be less obvious. However, major sections have been moved and expanded, some 100-plus problems have been added, new devices have been introduced, the number of applications has been increased, and new material on recent developments has been added throughout the text. We believe that the current edition is a significant improvement over the previous editions.
    As instructors, we are all well aware of the importance of a high level of accuracy required for a text of this kind. There is nothing more frustrating for a student than to work a problem over from many different angles and still find that the answer differs from the solution at the back of the text or that the problem seems undoable. We were pleased to find that there were fewer than half a dozen errors or misprints reported since the last edition. When you consider the number of examples and problems in the text along with the length of the text material, this statistic clearly suggests that the text is as error-free as possible. Any contributions from users to this list were quickly acknowledged, and the sources were thanked for taking the time to send the changes to the publisher and to us.
    Although the current edition now reflects all the changes we feel it should have, we expect that a revised edition will be required somewhere down the line. We invite you to respond to this edition so that we can start developing a package of ideas and thoughts that will help us improve the content for the next edition. We promise a quick response to your comments, whether positive or negative.


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