丛   书   名: 国外计算机科学教材系列
作   译   者:(美) Paul Deitel(保罗 ? 戴特尔),Harvey Deitel(哈维 ? 戴特尔) 出 版 日 期:2019-03-01
出   版   社:电子工业出版社 维   护   人:冯小贝 
书   代   号:G0295420 I S B N:9787121295423


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    Chapter 1  Introduction to Computers and C++	1
    1.1  Introduction	2
    1.2  Computers and the Internet in Industry and Research	2
    1.3  Hardware and Software	4
    1.4  Data Hierarchy	6
    1.5  Machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High-Level Languages	7
    1.6  C++	8
    1.7  Programming Languages	9
    1.8  Introduction to Object Technology	10
    1.9  Typical C++ Development Environment	13
    1.10  Test-Driving a C++ Application	15
    1.11  Operating Systems	20
    1.12  The Internet and World Wide Web	22
    1.13  Some Key Software Development Terminology	23
    1.14  C++11 and the Open Source Boost Libraries	25
    1.15  Keeping Up to Date with Information Technologies	25
    1.16  Web Resources	26
    Chapter 2  Introduction to C++ Programming; Input/Output and Operators	31
    2.1  Introduction	31
    2.2  First Program in C++: Printing a Line of Text	32
    2.3  Modifying Our First C++ Program	35
    2.4  Another C++ Program: Adding Integers	36
    2.5  Memory Concepts	39
    2.6  Arithmetic	40
    2.7  Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operators	43
    2.8  Wrap-Up	47
    Chapter 3  Introduction to Classes, Objects and Strings	55
    3.1  Introduction	55
    3.2  Defining a Class with a Member Function	56
    3.3  Defining a Member Function with a Parameter	58
    3.4  Data Members, set Member Functions and get Member Functions	61
    3.5  Initializing Objects with Constructors	66
    3.6  Placing a Class in a Separate File for Reusability	69
    3.7  Separating Interface from Implementation	72
    3.8  Validating Data with set Functions	76
    3.9  Wrap-Up	80
    Chapter 4  Control Statements: Part 1; Assignment, ++ and - - Operators	87
    4.1  Introduction	87
    4.2  Algorithms	88
    4.3  Pseudocode	88
    4.4  Control Structures	89
    4.5  if Selection Statement	92
    4.6  if…else Double-Selection Statement	93
    4.7  while Repetition Statement	97
    4.8  Formulating Algorithms: Counter-Controlled Repetition	98
    4.9  Formulating Algorithms: Sentinel-Controlled Repetition	103
    4.10  Formulating Algorithms: Nested Control Statements	111
    4.11  Assignment Operators	116
    4.12  Increment and Decrement Operators	116
    4.13  Wrap-Up	118
    Chapter 5  Control Statements: Part 2; Logical Operators	131
    5.1  Introduction	131
    5.2  Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition	132
    5.3  for Repetition Statement	133
    5.4  Examples Using the for Statement	136
    5.5  do…while Repetition Statement	140
    5.6  switch Multiple-Selection Statement	141
    5.7  break and continue Statements	148
    5.8  Logical Operators	150
    5.9  Confusing the Equality (==) and Assignment (=) Operators	153
    5.10  Structured Programming Summary	154
    5.11  Wrap-Up	158
    Chapter 6  Functions and an Introduction to Recursion	167
    6.1  Introduction	168
    6.2  Program Components in C++	168
    6.3  Math Library Functions	169
    6.4  Function Definitions with Multiple Parameters	170
    6.5  Function Prototypes and Argument Coercion	174
    6.6  C++ Standard Library Headers	176
    6.7  Case Study: Random Number Generation	177
    6.8  Case Study: Game of Chance; Introducing enum	182
    6.9  C++11 Random Numbers	185
    6.10  Storage Classes and Storage Duration	186
    6.11  Scope Rules	189
    6.12  Function Call Stack and Activation Records	191
    6.13  Functions with Empty Parameter Lists	194
    6.14  Inline Functions	195
    6.15  References and Reference Parameters	196
    6.16  Default Arguments	198
    6.17  Unary Scope Resolution Operator	200
    6.18  Function Overloading	200
    6.19  Function Templates	203
    6.20  Recursion	205
    6.21  Example Using Recursion: Fibonacci Series	208
    6.22  Recursion vs. Iteration	210
    6.23  Wrap-Up	213
    Chapter 7  Class Templates array and vector; Catching Exceptions	232
    7.1  Introduction	233
    7.2  arrays	233
    7.3  Declaring arrays	234
    7.4  Examples Using arrays	235
    7.5  Range-Based for Statement	244
    7.6  Case Study: Class GradeBook Using an array to Store Grades	246
    7.7  Sorting and Searching arrays	251
    7.8  Multidimensional arrays	252
    7.9  Case Study: Class GradeBook Using a Two-Dimensional array	255
    7.10  Introduction to C++ Standard Library Class Template vector	260
    7.11  Wrap-Up	264
    Chapter 8  Pointers	279
    8.1  Introduction	280
    8.2  Pointer Variable Declarations and Initialization	280
    8.3  Pointer Operators	281
    8.4  Pass-by-Reference with Pointers	283
    8.5  Built-In Arrays	287
    8.6  Using const with Pointers	289
    8.7  sizeof Operator	292
    8.8  Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic	294
    8.9  Relationship Between Pointers and Built-In Arrays	296
    8.10  Pointer-Based Strings	299
    8.11  Wrap-Up	301
    Chapter 9  Classes: A Deeper Look; Throwing Exceptions	316
    9.1  Introduction	317
    9.2  Time Class Case Study	317
    9.3  Class Scope and Accessing Class Members	323
    9.4  Access Functions and Utility Functions	324
    9.5  Time Class Case Study: Constructors with Default Arguments	324
    9.6  Destructors	328
    9.7  When Constructors and Destructors Are Called	329
    9.8  Time Class Case Study: A Subtle Trap— Returning a Reference or a Pointer to a private
         Data Member	331
    9.9  Default Memberwise Assignment	334
    9.10  const Objects and const Member Functions	335
    9.11  Composition: Objects as Members of Classes	337
    9.12  friend Functions and friend Classes	341
    9.13  Using the this Pointer	343
    9.14  static Class Members	347
    9.15  Wrap-Up	351
    Chapter 10  Operator Overloading; Class string	361
    10.1  Introduction	362
    10.2  Using the Overloaded Operators of Standard Library Class string	362
    10.3  Fundamentals of Operator Overloading	365
    10.4  Overloading Binary Operators	366
    10.5  Overloading the Binary Stream Insertion and Stream Extraction Operators	367
    10.6  Overloading Unary Operators	370
    10.7  Overloading the Unary Prefix and Postfix ++ and -- Operators	370
    10.8  Case Study: A Date Class	371
    10.9  Dynamic Memory Management	375
    10.10  Case Study: Array Class	377
    10.11  Operators as Member vs. Non-Member Functions	387
    10.12  Converting Between Types	388
    10.13  explicit Constructors and Conversion Operators	389
    10.14  Overloading the Function Call Operator ()	391
    10.15  Wrap-Up	392
    Chapter 11  Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance	402
    11.1  Introduction	402
    11.2  Base Classes and Derived Classes	403
    11.3  Relationship between Base and Derived Classes	405
    11.4  Constructors and Destructors in Derived Classes	422
    11.5  public, protected and private Inheritance	424
    11.6  Software Engineering with Inheritance	425
    11.7  Wrap-Up	425
    Chapter 12  Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism	431
    12.1  Introduction	432
    12.2  Introduction to Polymorphism: Polymorphic Video Game	432
    12.3  Relationships Among Objects in an Inheritance Hierarchy	433
    12.4  Type Fields and switch Statements	443
    12.5  Abstract Classes and Pure virtual Functions	444
    12.6  Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism	445
    12.7  (Optional) Polymorphism, Virtual Functions and Dynamic Binding “Under the Hood”	456
    12.8  Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism and Runtime Type Information with
          Downcasting, dynamic_cast, typeid and type_info	459
    12.9  Wrap-Up	462
    Chapter 13  Stream Input/Output: A Deeper Look	468
    13.1  Introduction	469
    13.2  Streams	469
    13.3  Stream Output	472
    13.4  Stream Input	473
    13.5  Unformatted I/O Using read, write and gcount	476
    13.6  Introduction to Stream Manipulators	477
    13.7  Stream Format States and Stream Manipulators	481
    13.8  Stream Error States	488
    13.9  Tying an Output Stream to an Input Stream	490
    13.10  Wrap-Up	490
    Chapter 14  File Processing	499
    14.1  Introduction	499
    14.2  Files and Streams	500
    14.3  Creating a Sequential File	500
    14.4  Reading Data from a Sequential File	504
    14.5  Updating Sequential Files	508
    14.6  Random-Access Files	508
    14.7  Creating a Random-Access File	509
    14.8  Writing Data Randomly to a Random-Access File	513
    14.9  Reading from a Random-Access File Sequentially	514
    14.10  Case Study: A Transaction-Processing Program	516
    14.11  Object Serialization	521
    14.12  Wrap-Up	521
    Chapter 15  Standard Library Containers and Iterators	530
    15.1  Introduction	531
    15.2  Introduction to Containers	532
    15.3  Introduction to Iterators	535
    15.4  Introduction to Algorithms	538
    15.5  Sequence Containers	539
    15.6  Associative Containers	550
    15.7  Container Adapters	557
    15.8  Class bitset	561
    15.9  Wrap-Up	562
    Chapter 16  Standard Library Algorithms	573
    16.1  Introduction	573
    16.2  Minimum Iterator Requirements	574
    16.3  Algorithms	575
    16.4  Function Objects	600
    16.5  Lambda Expressions	603
    16.6  Standard Library Algorithm Summary	604
    16.7  Wrap-Up	605
    Chapter 17  Exception Handling: A Deeper Look	613
    17.1  Introduction	613
    17.2  Example: Handling an Attempt to Divide by Zero	614
    17.3  Rethrowing an Exception	618
    17.4  Stack Unwinding	620
    17.5  When to Use Exception Handling	621
    17.6  Constructors, Destructors and Exception Handling	622
    17.7  Exceptions and Inheritance	622
    17.8  Processing new Failures	623
    17.9  Class unique_ptr and Dynamic Memory Allocation	625
    17.10  Standard Library Exception Hierarchy	627
    17.11  Wrap-Up	628
    Chapter 18  Introduction to Custom Templates	634
    18.1  Introduction	634
    18.2  Class Templates	635
    18.3  Function Template to Manipulate a Class-Template Specialization Object	638
    18.4  Nontype Parameters	640
    18.5  Default Arguments for Template Type Parameters	640
    18.6  Overloading Function Templates	640
    18.7  Wrap-Up	641
    Chapter 19  Custom Templatized Data Structures	644
    19.1  Introduction	644
    19.2  Self-Referential Classes	645
    19.3  Linked Lists	646
    19.4  Stacks	657
    19.5  Queues	660
    19.6  Trees	663
    19.7  Wrap-Up	669
    Chapter 20  Searching and Sorting	680
    20.1  Introduction	680
    20.2  Searching Algorithms	681
    20.3  Sorting Algorithms	687
    20.4  Wrap-Up	696
    Chapter 21  Class string and String Stream Processing: A Deeper Look	702
    21.1  Introduction	703
    21.2  string Assignment and Concatenation	704
    21.3  Comparing strings	705
    21.4  Substrings	707
    21.5  Swapping strings	708
    21.6  string Characteristics	708
    21.7  Finding Substrings and Characters in a string	710
    21.8  Replacing Characters in a string	711
    21.9  Inserting Characters into a string	713
    21.10  Conversion to Pointer-Based char * Strings	713
    21.11  Iterators	715
    21.12  String Stream Processing	715
    21.13  C++11 Numeric Conversion Functions	718
    21.14  Wrap-Up	719
    Chapter 22  Bits, Characters, C Strings and structs	726
    22.1  Introduction	727
    22.2  Structure Definitions	727
    22.3  typedef	728
    22.4  Example: Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation	728
    22.5  Bitwise Operators	730
    22.6  Bit Fields	737
    22.7  Character-Handling Library	740
    22.8  C String-Manipulation Functions	744
    22.9  C String-Conversion Functions	749
    22.10  Search Functions of the C String-Handling Library	753
    22.11  Memory Functions of the C String-Handling Library	756
    22.12  Wrap-Up	759
    Chapter 23  Other Topics	773
    23.1  Introduction	773
    23.2  const_cast Operator	774
    23.3  mutable Class Members	775
    23.4  namespaces	776
    23.5  Operator Keywords	779
    23.6  Pointers to Class Members (.* and ->*)	781
    23.7  Multiple Inheritance	782
    23.8  Multiple Inheritance and virtual Base Classes	786
    23.9  Wrap-Up	789
    Appendix A  Operator Precedence and Associativity	794
    Appendix B  ASCII Character Set	796
    Appendix C  Fundamental Types	797
    Appendix D  Number Systems	799
    Appendix E  Preprocessor	809
    Index	819
    Chapter 24  C++11: Additional Features
    Chapter 25  ATM Case Study, Part 1: Object-Oriented Design with the UML
    Chapter 26  ATM Case Study, Part 2: Implementing an Object-Oriented Design
    Appendix F  C Legacy Code Topics
    Appendix G  UML 2: Additional Diagram Types
    Appendix H  Using the Visual Studio Debugger
    Appendix I   Using the GNU C++ Debugger
    Appendix J  Using the Xcode Debugger
    Appendix K  Test Driving a C++ Program on Mac OS X

    前     言

    “The chief merit of language is clearness …”
    Welcome to the C++ computer programming language and C++ How to Program, Ninth Edition. This book presents leading-edge computing technologies. It’s appropriate for introductory course sequences based on the curriculum recommendations of two key professional organizations—the ACM and the IEEE. If you haven’t already done so, please read the back cover and inside back cover—these capture the essence of the book concisely. In this Preface we provide more detail for students, instructors and professionals.
    At the heart of the book is the Deitel signature live-code approach—we present concepts in the context of complete working programs followed by sample executions, rather than in code snippets. Read the online Before You Begin section(www.deitel.com/books/cpphtp9/cpphtp9_BYB.pdf) to learn how to set up your Linux-based, Windows-based or Apple OS X-based computer to run the hundreds of code examples. All the source code is available at www.deitel.com/books/cpphtp9 and www.pearsoninternational-editions.com/ deitel. Use the source code we provide to run each program as you study it.
    We believe that this book and its support materials will give you an informative, challenging and entertaining introduction to C++. As you read the book, if you have questions, we’re easy to reach at deitel@deitel.com—we’ll respond promptly. For book updates, visit www.deitel.com/books/cpphtp9, join our social media communities on Facebook(www.deitel.com/DeitelFan), Twitter(@deitel), Google+ (gplus.to/deitel) and LinkedIn(bit.ly/DeitelLinkedIn), and subscribe to the Deitel Buzz? Online newsletter (www.deitel.com/newsletter/subscribe.html).
    C++11 Standard
    The new C++11 standard, published in 2011, motivated us to write C++ How to Program, 9/e. Throughout the book, each new C++11 feature is marked with the “11” icon you see here in the margin. These are some of the key C++11 features of this new edition:
    ?  Conforms to the new C++11 standard. Extensive coverage of the new C++11 features (Fig. 1).
    ?  Code thoroughly tested on three popular industrial-strength C++11 compilers. We tested the code examples on GNU C++ 4.7, Microsoft? Visual C++? 2012 and Apple? LLVM in Xcode? 4.5.
    ?  Smart pointers. Smart pointers help you avoid dynamic memory management errors by providing additional functionality beyond that of built-in pointers. We discuss unique_ptr in Chapter 17, and shared_ptr and weak_ptr in Chapter 24.
    ?  Earlier coverage of Standard Library containers, iterators and algorithms, enhanced with C++11 capabilities. We moved the treatment of Standard Library containers, iterators and algorithms from Chapter 22 in the previous edition to Chapters 15 and 16 and enhanced it with additional C++11 features. The vast majority of your data structure needs can be fulfilled by reusing these Standard Library capabilities. We’ll show you how to build your own custom data structures in Chapter 19.
    C++11 features in C++ How to Program, 9/e
    Fig. 1 | A sampling of C++11 features in C++ How to Program, 9/e.
    ?  Online Chapter 24, C++11: Additional Topics. In this chapter, we present additional C++11 topics. The new C++11 standard has been available since 2011, but not all C++ compilers have fully implemented the features. If all three of our key compilers already implemented a particular C++11 feature at the time we wrote this book, we generally integrated a discussion of that feature into the text with a live-code example. If any of these compilers had not implemented that feature, we included a bold italic heading followed by a brief discussion of the feature. Many of those discussions are expanded in online Chapter 24 as the features are implemented. This chapter includes discussions of regular expressions, shared_ptr and weak_ptr smart pointers, move semantics and more.
    ?  Random Number generation, simulation and game playing. To help make programs more secure, we’ve added a treatment of C++11’s new non-deterministic random-number generation capabilities.
    Object-Oriented Programming
    ?  Early-objects approach. The book introduces the basic concepts and terminology of object technology in Chapter 1. You’ll develop your first customized classes and objects in Chapter 3. Presenting objects and classes early gets you “thinking about objects” immediately and mastering these concepts more thoroughly. 
    ?  C++ Standard Library string. C++ offers two types of strings—string class objects (which we begin using in Chapter 3) and C strings. We’ve replaced most occurrences of C strings with instances of C++ class string to make programs more robust and eliminate many of the security problems of C strings. We continue to discuss C strings later in the book to prepare you for working with the legacy code that you’ll encounter in industry. In new development, you should favor string objects.
    ?  C++ Standard Library array. Our primary treatment of arrays now uses the Standard Library’s array class template instead of built-in, C-style, pointer-based arrays. We still cover built-in arrays because they remain useful in C++ and so that you’ll be able to read legacy code. C++ offers three types of arrays—arrays and vectors (which we start using in Chapter 7) and C-style, pointer-based arrays which we discuss in Chapter 8. As appropriate, we use class template array instead of C arrays throughout the book. In new development, you should favor class template array objects.
    ?  Crafting valuable classes. A key goal of this book is to prepare you to build valuable classes. In the Chapter 10 case study, you’ll build your own custom Array class, then in the Chapter 18 exercises you’ll convert it to a class template. You’ll truly appreciate the class concept. Chapter 10 begins with a test-drive of class template string so you can see an elegant use of operator overloading before you implement your own customized class with overloaded operators.
    ?  Case studies in object-oriented programming. We provide case studies that span multiple sections and chapters and cover the software development lifecycle. These include the GradeBook class in Chapters 3–7, the Time class in Chapter 9 and the Employee  class in Chapters 11–12. Chapter 12 contains a detailed diagram and explanation of how C++ can implement polymorphism, virtual functions and dynamic binding “under the hood.”
    ?  Optional case study: Using the UML to develop an object-oriented design and C++ implementation of an ATM. The UML(Unified Modeling Language) is the industry-standard graphical language for modeling object-oriented systems. We introduce the UML in the early chapters. Online Chapters 25 and 26 include an optional case study on object-oriented design using the UML. We design and implement the software for a simple automated teller machine(ATM). We analyze a typical requirements document that specifies the system to be built. We determine the classes needed to implement that system, the attributes the classes need to have, the behaviors the classes need to exhibit and we specify how the classes must interact with one another to meet the system requirements. From the design we produce a complete C++ implementation. Students often report that the case study helps them “tie it all together” and truly understand object orientation.
    ?  Exception handling. We integrate basic exception handling early in the book. Instructors can easily pull more detailed material forward from Chapter 17, Exception Handling: A Deeper Look.
    ? Custom template-based data structures. We provide a rich multi-chapter treatment of data structures—see the Data Structures module in the chapter dependency chart (Fig. 6).
    ?  Three programming paradigms. We discuss structured programming, object-oriented programming and generic programming.
    Pedagogic Features
    ?  Rich coverage of C++ fundamentals. We include a clear two-chapter treatment of control statements and algorithm development.
    ?  Chapter 2 provides a simple introduction to C++ programming.
    ?  Examples. We include a broad range of example programs selected from computer science, business, simulation, game playing and other topics (Fig. 2).
    ?  Audience. The examples are accessible to computer science, information technology, software engineering and business students in novice-level and intermediate-level C++ courses. The book is also used by professional programmers.
    Fig. 2 | A sampling of the book’s examples.
    ?  Self-Review Exercises and Answers. Extensive self-review exercises and answers are included for self-study.
    ?  Interesting, entertaining and challenging exercises. Each chapter concludes with a substantial set of exercises, including simple recall of important terminology and concepts, identifying the errors in code samples, writing individual program statements, writing small portions of C++ classes and member and non-member functions, writing complete programs and implementing major projects. Fig. 3 lists a sampling of the book’s exercises, including our Making a Difference exercises, which encourage you to use computers and the Internet to research and solve significant social problems. We hope you’ll approach these exercises with your own values, politics and beliefs.
    ?  Illustrations and figures. Abundant tables, line drawings, UML diagrams, programs and program outputs are included. A sampling of the book’s drawings and diagrams is shown in (Fig. 4).
    Fig. 3 | A sampling of the book’s exercises. 
    Drawings and diagrams
    Drawings and diagrams
    Fig. 4 | A sampling of the book’s drawings and diagrams. 
    Other Features
    ?  Pointers. We provide thorough coverage of the built-in pointer capabilities and the intimate relationship among built-in pointers, C strings and built-in arrays.
    ?  Visual presentation of searching and sorting, with a simple explanation of Big O.
    ?  Printed book contains core content; additional content is online. A few online chapters and appendices are included. 
    ?  Debugger appendices. We provide three debugger appendices on the book’s Companion Website— Appendix H, Using the Visual Studio Debugger, Appendix I, Using the GNU C++ Debugger and Appendix J, Using the Xcode Debugger.
    Secure C++ Programming
    It’s difficult to build industrial-strength systems that stand up to attacks from viruses, worms, and other forms of “malware.” Today, via the Internet, such attacks can be instantaneous and global in scope. Building security into software from the beginning of the development cycle can greatly reduce vulnerabilities.
    The CERT? Coordination Center(www.cert.org)was created to analyze and respond promptly to attacks. CERT—the Computer Emergency Response Team—is a government-funded organization within the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute. CERT publishes and promotes secure coding standards for various popular programming languages to help software developers implement industrial strength systems that avoid the programming practices that leave systems open to attacks.
    We’d like to thank Robert C. Seacord, Secure Coding Manager at CERT and an adjunct professor in the Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science. Mr. Seacord was a technical reviewer for our book, C How to Program, 7/e, where he scrutinized our C programs from a security standpoint, recommending that we adhere to the CERT C Secure Coding Standard.
    We’ve done the same for C++ How to Program, 9/e, adhering to the CERT C++ Secure Coding Standard, which you can find at:
    We were pleased to discover that we’ve already been recommending many of these coding practices in our books. We upgraded our code and discussions to conform to these prac tices, as appropriate for an introductory/intermediate-level textbook. If you’ll be building industrial-strength C++ systems, consider reading Secure Coding in C and C++, Second Edition (Robert Seacord, Addison-Wesley Professional).
    Online Content 
    The book’s Companion Website, which is accessible at
    contains the following chapters and appendices in searchable PDF format:
    ?  Chapter 24, C++11: Additional Feature.
    ?  Chapter 25, ATM Case Study, Part 1: Object-Oriented Design with the UML.
    ?  Chapter 26, ATM Case Study, Part 2: Implementing an Object-Oriented Design.
    ?  Appendix F, C Legacy Code Topics.
    ?  Appendix G, UML 2: Additional Diagram Types.
    ?  Appendix H, Using the Visual Studio Debugger.
    ?  Appendix I, Using the GNU C++ Debugger.
    ?  Appendix J, Using the Xcode Debugger.
    ?  Appendix K, Test Driving a C++ Program on Mac OS X. (The test drives for Windows and Linux are in Chapter 1.)
    The Companion Website also includes:
    ?  Building Your Own Compiler exercise descriptions from Chapter 19 (posted at the Companion Website and at www.deitel.com/books/cpphtp9).
    ?  Chapter 1 test-drive for Mac OS X.
    Dependency Chart
    The chart in Fig. 5 shows the dependencies among the chapters to help instructors plan their syllabi. C++ How to Program, 9/e is appropriate for CS1 and many CS2 courses. The chart shows the book’s modular organization.
    Teaching Approach
    C++ How to Program, 9/e, contains a rich collection of examples. We stress program clarity and concentrate on building well-engineered software.
    Live-code approach. The book is loaded with “live-code” examples—most new concepts are presented in complete working C++ applications, followed by one or more executions showing program inputs and outputs. In the few cases where we use a code snippet, to ensure that it’s correct we tested it in a complete working program, then copied and pasted it into the book.
    Syntax coloring. For readability, we syntax color all the C++ code, similar to the way most C++ integrated- development environments and code editors syntax color code. Our coloring conventions are as follows:
    Code highlighting. We place light-blue shaded rectangles around key code segments.
    Using fonts for emphasis. We emphasize on-screen components in the bold Helvetica font (e.g., the File menu) and C++ program text in the Lucida font (for example, int x = 5;).
    Fig. 5 | Chapter Dependency Chart
    Objectives. The opening quotes are followed by a list of chapter objectives.
    Programming tips. We include programming tips to help you focus on key aspects of pro gram development. These tips and practices represent the best we’ve gleaned from a com bined seven decades of teaching and industry experience.
     	Good Programming Practices
    	The Good Programming Practices call attention to techniques that will help you pro duce programs that are clearer, more understandable and more maintainable.
     	Common Programming Error
    	Pointing out these Common Programming Errors reduces the likelihood that you’ll make them.
    Error-Prevention Tip
    	These tips contain suggestions for exposing and removing bugs from your programs; many describe aspects of C++ that prevent bugs from getting into programs in the first place.
     	Performance Tip 
    	These tips highlight opportunities for making your programs run faster or minimizing the amount of memory that they occupy.
     	Portability Tip 
    	The Portability Tips help you write code that will run on a variety of platforms.
     	Software Engineering Observation 
    	The Software Engineering Observations highlight architectural and design issues that affect the construction of software systems, especially large-scale systems.
    Summary Bullets. We present a section-by-section, bullet-list summary of the chapter.
    Index. We’ve included an extensive index.
    Obtaining the Software Used in C++ How to Program, 9/e
    We wrote the code examples in C++ How to Program, 9/e using the following C++ development tools:
    ?  Microsoft’s free Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop, which includes Visual C++ and other Microsoft development tools. This runs on Windows 7 and 8 and is available for download at
    ?  GNU’s free GNU C++ (gcc.gnu.org/install/binaries.html), which is already installed on most Linux systems and can also be installed on Mac OS X and Windows systems.
    ?  Apple’s free Xcode, which OS X users can download from the Mac App Store.
    Instructor Supplements 
    The following supplements are available to qualified instructors only through Pearson Education’s Instructor Resource Center (www.pearsoninternationaleditions.com/deitel):
    ?  Solutions Manual contains solutions to most of the end-of-chapter exercises. We’ve added many Making a Difference exercises, most with solutions. Please do not write to us requesting access to the Pearson Instructor’s Resource Center. Access is restricted to college instructors teaching from the book. Instructors may obtain access only through their Pearson representatives. If you’re not a registered faculty member, contact your Pearson representative. Exercise Solutions are not provided for “project” exercises. Check out our Programming Projects Resource Center for lots of additional exercise and project possibilities.
    ?  Test Item File of multiple-choice questions (approximately two per book section).
    ?  Customizable PowerPoint? slides containing all the code and figures in the text, plus bulleted items that summarize the key points in the text.
    Online Practice and Assessment with MyProgrammingLab
    MyProgrammingLab helps students fully grasp the logic, semantics, and syntax of programming. Through practice exercises and immediate, personalized feedback, MyProgrammingLab improves the programming competence of beginning students who often struggle with the basic concepts and paradigms of popular high-level programming languages.
    A self-study and homework tool, a MyProgrammingLab course consists of hundreds of small practice problems organized around the structure of this textbook. For students, the system automatically detects errors in the logic and syntax of their code submissions and offers targeted hints that enable students to figure out what went wrong—and why. For instructors, a comprehensive gradebook tracks correct and incorrect answers and stores the code inputted by students for review.
    For a full demonstration, to see feedback from instructors and students or to get started using MyProgrammingLab in your course, visit www.myprogramminglab.com.
    We’d like to thank Abbey Deitel and Barbara Deitel of Deitel & Associates, Inc. for long hours devoted to this project. Abbey co-authored Chapter 1 and she and Barbara painstakingly researched the new capabilities of C++11.
    We’re fortunate to have worked with the dedicated team of publishing professionals at Pearson Higher Education. We appreciate the guidance, wisdom and energy of Tracy Johnson, Executive Editor, Computer Science. Carole Snyder did an extraordinary job recruiting the book’s reviewers and managing the review process. Bob Engelhardt did a wonderful job bringing the book to publication.
    We wish to acknowledge the efforts of our reviewers. The book was scrutinized by current and former members of the C++ standards committee that developed C++11, academics teaching C++ courses and industry experts. They provided countless suggestions for improving the presentation. Any remaining flaws in the book are our own.
    Ninth Edition reviewers: Dean Michael Berris (Google, Member ISO C++ Com mittee), Danny Kalev (C++ expert, certified system analyst and former member of the C++ Standards Committee), Linda M. Krause (Elmhurst College), James P. McNellis (Microsoft Corporation), Robert C. Seacord (Secure Coding Manager at SEI/CERT, author of Secure Coding in C and C++) and José Antonio González Seco (Parliament of Andalusia).
    Other recent edition reviewers: Virginia Bailey (Jackson State University), Thomas J. Borrelli (Rochester Institute of Technology), Ed Brey (Kohler Co.), Chris Cox (Adobe Systems), Gregory Dai (eBay), Peter J. DePasquale (The College of New Jersey), John Dibling (SpryWare), Susan Gauch (University of Arkansas), Doug Gregor (Apple, Inc.), Jack Hagemeister (Washington State University), Williams M. Higdon (University of Indiana), Anne B. Horton (Lockheed Martin), Terrell Hull (Logicalis Integration Solu tions), Ed James-Beckham (Borland), Wing-Ning Li (University of Arkansas), Dean Mathias (Utah State University), Robert A. McLain (Tidewater Community College), Robert Myers (Florida State University), Gavin Osborne (Saskatchewan Inst. of App. Sci. and Tech.), Amar Raheja (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona), April Reagan (Microsoft), Raymond Stephenson (Microsoft), Dave Topham (Ohlone College), Anthony Williams (author and C++ Standards Committee member) and Chad Willwerth (University Washington, Tacoma).
    As you read the book, we’d sincerely appreciate your comments, criticisms and suggestions for improving the text. Please address all correspondence to:
    We’ll respond promptly. We enjoyed writing C++ How to Program, Ninth Edition. We hope you enjoy reading it!
    Paul Deitel
    Harvey Deitel
    About the Authors
    Paul Deitel, CEO and Chief Technical Officer of Deitel & Associates, Inc., is a graduate of MIT, where he studied Information Technology. Through Deitel & Associates, Inc., he has delivered hundreds of programming courses to industry clients, including Cisco, IBM, Siemens, Sun Microsystems, Dell, Fidelity, NASA at the Kennedy Space Center, the National Severe Storm Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, Rogue Wave Software, Boeing, SunGard Higher Education, Nortel Networks, Puma, iRobot, Invensys and many more. He and his co-author, Dr. Harvey M. Deitel, are the world’s best-selling programming-language textbook/professional book/video authors.
    Dr. Harvey Deitel, Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer of Deitel & Associates, Inc., has 50 years of experience in the computer field. Dr. Deitel earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from MIT and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Boston University. He has extensive college teaching experience, including earning tenure and serving as the Chairman of the Computer Science Department at Boston College before founding Deitel & Associates, Inc., in 1991 with his son, Paul Deitel. The Deitels’ publications have earned international recognition, with translations published in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, German, Russian, Spanish, French, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Urdu and Turkish. Dr. Deitel has delivered hundreds of programming courses to corporate, academic, government and military clients.
    Corporate Training from Deitel & Associates, Inc.
    Deitel & Associates, Inc., founded by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, is an internationally recognized authoring and corporate training organization, specializing in computer programming languages, object technology, mobile app development and Internet and web software technology. The company’s clients include many of the world’s largest companies, government agencies, branches of the military, and academic institutions. The company offers instructor-led training courses delivered at client sites worldwide on major programming languages and platforms, including C++, Visual C++?, C, Java, Visual C#?, Visual Basic?, XML?, Python?, object technology, Internet and web programming, Android app development, Objective-C and iPhone app development and a growing list of additional programming and software development courses.
    Through its 36-year publishing partnership with Prentice Hall/Pearson, Deitel & Associates, Inc., publishes leading-edge programming college textbooks, professional books and LiveLessons video courses. Deitel & Associates, Inc. and the authors can be reached at:
    To learn more about Deitel’s Dive-Into? Series Corporate Training curriculum, visit:
    To request a proposal for worldwide on-site, instructor-led training at your organization, e-mail deitel@deitel.com.
    Individuals wishing to purchase Deitel books and LiveLessons video training can do so through www.deitel.com. Bulk orders by corporations, the government, the military and academic institutions should be placed directly with Pearson.


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